Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Where he started from on March 6th 2009. Thank you to NAFA for rescuing my surprise friend!

The following is something I wrote about Templeton's story, largely things I made up. I hope that he has felt loved and cared for in the last 7 months and 8 days. I know that he wiggled into my heart! He died of complications from upper respiratory problems due to the conditions he was kept in at the hoarder's house he and the other animals were abandon in. I will miss him greatly! I loved you bunches sweet boy!!!!!

Here is his story in my words:::
The story of Templeton the Rat is one that will be told by others of his kind for centuries to come. Templeton’s childhood is quite foggy you see but his imagination had brought it through his mind for him to see.
Templeton’s belief is that his life started out quite grand, with lots of love and tender hands. He knows that things must have been that way because of the joy he wants to give to others. His life did not always remain so grand when once he feel into neglectful hands.
He was left in a small cage barely big enough for him and his ratty tail and always ate food that was extremely stale. He lived in a home but nowhere near alone. There were many dogs and many cats, a rabbit, a guinea pig, and he, the rat.
The family that lived there went away and no one came to check on them day after day. What his name was then he does not recall because it is better at times not to remember at all. After days with no food or no water things started smelling worse than any hog waller.
Some people did come and there were bright flashing lights. Pictures were not something that he had known in his cage all alone. They gave him some food and a nice cool drink and took him to a place that did not stink. There were people looking at him in dismay wondering if he knew how to behave.
He spent the night in the place with water and food with all the other animals from the hoarder’s brewed. There were ones that did not understand and were quite fearful of the human man. They came to know that he was nice along with the others who had saved his life. The man had a wife who pulled him from the cage he could sense her complete outrage. She said to the others “how can people believe this is care?” That night he and the guinea pig went home with her and he moved into a cage with stairs.
The guinea pig was still searching for a home but he told Daffodil that she would not always be alone. He was not used to being the one with a family who cared and living in a cage with stairs. He could climb up and he could climb down, no longer did he only have room to go round and round. There was food of many different types and water for him sip during the night. There was even a house made out of wood where he could store his food and keep it all good.
The man’s wife would take him and let him see what the rest of life was about. She would take him with her to type, he was with her every night, through the day she would take him out to play and hold him close nearly nose to nose. Templeton realized he had found a home like the one he dreamed from his childhood before he was alone. He got treats and lots of different things to try but Cheetos by far make him the happiest little rattie guy. Templeton’s life became so different from the place he was to the place he went. The human’s who rescued him wasted no expense. They all grew to love him even though they were unsure. He now goes to school’s to teach about animal care so that others like him won’t end up in a place like there. There is the place that no animal deserves to go where neglect and abandonment have animals in cages all in a row. There is not always that way sometimes they are free to roam inside a home and left without a care. Here is much better and this is where Templeton’s story ends where he lives with all his friends.

Till Next Time,
With Tears Flowing,


  1. Thanks for taking care of Templeton for the short while you had him. Poor thing. I've a "roller pigeon" who has adapted me within the last few weeks. I put food out for him every day and he usually is on my roof. He has made friends with the local doves. I hope he can steer clear of the hawks and can brave our Chicago winter.
    Bless you!

  2. aww, Mel, that's the sweetest tribute to Templeton, and I'm so sorry that he's gone. What a lucky guy to be able to live in such style. I'm sure it meant the world to him.
